Home - Jennarosa's
Music Innovations Australia continued when, in 2000, Jenna Vescio
an Internet music store Jennarosa.com and collaborator's music
which proved to
be a hit with its self-production, self-publishing and record label
style merchandising. Recording in home studio's teaching
others to do the same the Online collaboration increased within the
first year to many thousands of Songwriters, composers and Vocalists.
By 2004, Jennarosa had created an affiliation with one of the first
online retail distribution stores. In an effort to increase the scope
of available music, Victoria Rose offers its listeners titles from
undiscovered artists through an affiliation with CD Baby, which
assisted in continuing the expansion of distribution with companies
Apple iTunes, Rhapsody, Napster, Buy-Music, EMEPE3, Music-Match,
Etherstream, Music4Cents, MP3tunes, QTRnote, NetMusic, Viztas, MSN
Music, Loud-Eye, Music-Net, Weed On-line Promo, Rule-Radio, DigiPie,
WeedICP – Weed Files, Lulu.com and many more to come.
Many artists we work with do not have the financial backing to get to
their goal, so we administer help in achieving that result by selling
their works through distribution and mechanical licensing. We do not
allow people to steal our dreams we keep on moving down that
road until that Big Door opens!
Faith and loyalty plays a big part in collaboration and many things. If
we put our trust in our Caretaker, He will guide us through rough and
good journeys to the other side. To reach a vision or goal that we
have, everything takes time, it does not happen overnight! We do not
make promises that the CDs will sell, the public is the judge of their
decisions which music they like to hear.
In 2006 Jenna Vescio returned to Australia, and now is Creative
Director of the "Enter Into Our World Global Music Festival
organization. She has been very supportive to assist the Community
online Music bands and Artists, and helped with the marketing and
promotions to exceed their journies across the Internet and throughout
Public relations on radio and television.