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Our Everlasting Eternal Home
Everlasting Eternal Home is not the ark that
God had Noah build to save him and his family from the judgment of God
in the Flood because the earth had become so wicked and rebelious
against God.
But it was Noah's temporary home until the flood was removed from the earth, Our lives reflect what we see in the picture of being tempest tossed but secure in Jesus Christ until we are called to our everlasting eternal home.
It is quite clear that the eternal city of God is far more beautiful than the earth, and far from boring, but exciting and glorious beyond all immagination, eternity will be too short to fathom out its glory and majesty, not a day will go by without us experiencing greater and greater understanding of our God and Savior Jesus Christ
We shall be as the angels in glory (not subject to being male or famale as on earth) living in glorious service to each other each having our own eternal home. We will walk on streets made of the finest gold as a common thing, jewels will adorn the scene, but trees and flowers and animals and birds and fish will enjoy the Kingom of God for they await the day of of God's promise to them when the final redemption of mankind takes place, they will never hurt each other again. Death will be no more,
Yes believers do face a judgment concerning rewards and there will be those who hardly make it into Heaven. The first will be last and the last shall be first in that God's judgment will raise up many from the bottom in mans eyes and leave in lowly positions many who thought they had it all glorious on earth in their supposed service to God.
So " Enter Into Our World" will intead become Enter Into Your Eternal Rest in our eternal everlasting home in Heaven. Choose wisely now where you want to be, you cannot make the choice after death it has to be made now, and choosing life now may bring deep persecution upon you, but the end result has nothing to be compared with.
I am attatching the Sequential Bible Study to this site so that you can read the Bible on a daily basis and cover all of it.