Our Home

we start out in life we live in somebody elses
home our parents (in most cases) then the time comes for us to have our
own home in the journey of life.
Here we see inside a cottage that might be used for seminars or training sessions the way it is partly set out, the table is empty and many times n our own home it is often empty as the children are at school, the parents are both working to pay the mortgage.
Here we see inside a cottage that might be used for seminars or training sessions the way it is partly set out, the table is empty and many times n our own home it is often empty as the children are at school, the parents are both working to pay the mortgage.
Sometime in the evening they gather together for a short time or on special occasions for a celebration, but much of the time we are not together. Kids are to study, even parents can be studying.
Other homes might be different but there is never a sense of things being permanent but subject to change and often moves to another location, only in old age do we settle for a bit but sickness or finances can come or the loss of a husband or a wife.
Houses need repairing and the normal duties of home can take up all our time, so we shoot of to this function or that function or whatever and the joy of home somehow illudes us.
What a joy it would be to have a place that we can really call home that is permenant in which we can live in happiness forever. Well that is exactly what Jesus Christ has been doing for us, He has been preparing a home for us with Him in Heaven where we can live forever.
The issue is do we really want to go there or are we being told by the Devil that it is a boring place to be and it is better to be with him. The Devil is a liar and is telling you lies and trapping you in the si called pleasures of sin.
really is our home really as good as we
think it is or has Jesus got something far better for us, the answer is
that He has but first we must trust Him all the way home.