Our Journey Home

Journey Home begins on earth but way out beyond the universe is our
real home where God is and in this life we are on a journey home, but
we want to make sure where in eternity where we will be.
Yet in time God has said that He is bringing Jerusalem from above to be on this earth when it is completely renewed and made fit for Heaven on earth.
We need to go about living in obedience to our Heavenly Father and listening to Him and not the voice of the Devil who only wants to kill us and take us down into Hell.
So let us open our hearts (our being) to Jesus Christ and let Him come into your lives and start the journey home, or if we have back slidden on the path and become like the world let us truly repent and return to God's ways.
The Heavens themselves declare the glory of our God, and His handywork His majesty, for the morning star sings out His praises and the whole universe speaks of His everlasting power, They were all created by Him, they did not create themselves, vain is any man who would think otherwise, for no man is a match for our God.
The only man who ever compares is Jesus Christ who became man so that He could save us from the penalty of sin, for it was by his hand that the Father created all things in eternity that exist.
God has sent His Holy Spirit into the earth to help us to live in the ways of Heaven, the very same Holy Spirit who moved upon this earth at its creation, and who gave breath to all that live.
So give to God the glory that is due to His name and cease from the worship of all others that would crave to be worshipped be they man or spirit. Then as we walk in the ways of salvation we will enter into our eternal home with God.
So choose you this day whom you will serve most carefully for the only other eternal existance is not worth considering, as for me and my house we will serve God.
Yet in time God has said that He is bringing Jerusalem from above to be on this earth when it is completely renewed and made fit for Heaven on earth.
We need to go about living in obedience to our Heavenly Father and listening to Him and not the voice of the Devil who only wants to kill us and take us down into Hell.
So let us open our hearts (our being) to Jesus Christ and let Him come into your lives and start the journey home, or if we have back slidden on the path and become like the world let us truly repent and return to God's ways.
The Heavens themselves declare the glory of our God, and His handywork His majesty, for the morning star sings out His praises and the whole universe speaks of His everlasting power, They were all created by Him, they did not create themselves, vain is any man who would think otherwise, for no man is a match for our God.
The only man who ever compares is Jesus Christ who became man so that He could save us from the penalty of sin, for it was by his hand that the Father created all things in eternity that exist.
God has sent His Holy Spirit into the earth to help us to live in the ways of Heaven, the very same Holy Spirit who moved upon this earth at its creation, and who gave breath to all that live.
So give to God the glory that is due to His name and cease from the worship of all others that would crave to be worshipped be they man or spirit. Then as we walk in the ways of salvation we will enter into our eternal home with God.
So choose you this day whom you will serve most carefully for the only other eternal existance is not worth considering, as for me and my house we will serve God.