wanted to share this story with you all, while going through
The day I was given my sentencing from the Doctor it did not come as a
shock to me really because I knew what he was going to say.
My dear husband Pastor Carl was more shocked than I was.
We prayed to God and left it in his hands. By going through
this journey Walking
with God, I found out from other Doctor that I had
actually been carrying this burden since the age of thirty.
Although, I had regular visits to Doctors over the years being in total
55 operations out of 58 years nobody had picked up that I had actually
had all these problems.
But GOD certainly knew.
I had two massive squamous carcenoma tumors removed one from my left
shoulder and one from my forehead. I was told this would be
an ongoing journey for the rest of my life. Then another one
appeared on my left module of the lung, and preperation was being made
to have yet another operation. We prayed with all our prayer
warriors, we have xrays of proof it was there. I was then
sent for a Pet Scan, and the hospital stated that it was all clear and
nothing was showing upon the scan results. The Specialist
Doctor was amazed, and said how can this be?
said; I know, it was GOD.
My faith grew stronger and stronger as I went through many trials with
my health, but I feel his presence near and the warmth, love and joy I
get from his blessings helps me cope with each day and everyday.